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Free Domain Authority Checker

Enter a domain, click Check Domain Authority, and we'll show you the DA score and a bunch of other valuable backlink data. All powered by SEO PowerSuite's crawler.

What is Domain Authority?

Domain Authority (DA) is a complex metric that reflects the relevance and authority of a website.

The calculation of the Domain Authority (Domain Rating, Domain Strength) is executed through DA checker tools, and the score considers factors like the number of backlinks, the quality and relevance of these backlinks, the site's content quality, user experience, internal linking structure, and social signals. It's a comprehensive metric that aims to predict a website's potential to rank in search engine results by assessing its overall SEO health and link profile strength.

Domain Authority helps predict how well a website will rank on search engine result pages. Ranging from 1 to 100, with higher scores indicating a greater ability to rank, DA is calculated by evaluating multiple factors, including linking root domains and the total number of links, into a single Domain Authority score. This score can then be used when comparing one site to another or tracking the "ranking power" of a website over time.

Note: In this free Domain Authority checker, the Domain Authority (DA) metric is represented with the Domain InLink Rank metric. This metric is an analog to DA, and is calculated based on fairly same data.

Why is Domain Authority important?

It's crucial for SEO because a higher Domain Authority score suggests a greater likelihood of ranking higher in SERPs, potentially driving more organic traffic. It offers insight into the competitive landscape, helping website owners understand where they stand relative to competitors. Increasing your DA and PA (page authority) involves improving overall SEO factors, such as building more high-quality backlinks and creating engaging content, which are key elements for enhancing online visibility and success.

What insights can one get from domain authority?

From Domain Authority score (DA), you can see a website authority and potential to rank higher in search engine results, which is a key indicator of its visibility and influence online. Domain Authority score allows for comparison between websites, tracking SEO progress over time, and understanding the impact of digital marketing efforts. Insights from Domain Authority checker tool can also guide content and link-building strategies, highlighting areas for improvement to compete more effectively in SERPs.

How is domain authority calculated?

Domain Authority (DA) is calculated using an algorithm developed by Moz, which factors in over 40 signals from a website, such as the number and quality of backlinks, site age, and more. The score ranges from 1 to 100, with higher scores indicating a greater ability to rank on search engine results pages. This metric is normalized, meaning occasional scoring adjustments keep the comparison fair. Note that different free SEO tools for DA calculation use different algorithms, although they are similar.

Factors that influence Domain Authority

Domain Authority (as well as page authority)is a complex metric and is influenced by a row of factors. It's hard to say which factor is more important for domain rating (DR), as DA checkers vary, so make sure you're taking care of all of them.

Number and quality of backlinks from high authority websites
Site volume (number of pages)
Domain age
Content quality
Social signals (e.g., shares, likes)
Internal linking structure
User experience (mobile-friendliness, loading speeds)
The ratio of Dofollow and Nofollow backlinks
The number of IP addresses linking back to your site
The diversity and relevance of backlinks' anchor texts

Domain Authority and Google's Page Rank overview

Domain Authority (DA) and Google's PageRank are both metrics used to assess the quality and website authority in the context of search engine rankings. While DA, developed by Moz, predicts how well a website will rank on search engines based on a variety of factors including link profiles, PageRank, developed by Google, is an algorithm that ranks web pages in their search engine results based on the quantity and quality of links to a page. Both aim to measure a page's relevance and authority, though DA offers a more comprehensive SEO perspective, whereas PageRank focuses specifically on link equity. Neither directly influences Google rankings but provides insight into factors that can impact those rankings.

Most DA checker tools of today use formulas based on Google's original PageRank formula, which is no longer applied through Google's technical ecosystem.

What's the difference between Domain Authority (DA) and Page Authority (PA)?

Domain Authority (DA) overview gauges the overall SEO strength and ranking potential of an entire website or domain, whereas Page Authority (PA) assesses the ranking potential of a single page within that domain. Both metrics are calculated using a combination of factors including link profiles and other SEO signals, but DA provides a broader view of a site's likelihood to rank, while PA focuses on individual page performance.

How to improve domain authority?

Improving website authority and domain rating (DR) involves a multifaceted approach, focusing on enhancing your website's overall SEO and link profile. Key strategies include:

Publish High-Quality Content: Content is king in SEO. Engaging, original, and valuable content attracts more natural backlinks from reputable sites. This, in turn, improves your site's DA and PA.
Strengthen Your Internal Linking Structure: Internal links help search engines index your pages, improve site navigation, distribute domain rating (DR), and grow page authority score throughout your website.
Remove Toxic Backlinks: Regularly audit your link profile to overview and disavow bad links that could harm your DA.
Earn High-Quality Backlinks: Links from high-DA websites significantly impact your own DA and PA (page authority). Focus on earning backlinks through guest blogging, partnerships, and producing shareable content.
Optimize Your Website's User Experience: A fast-loading, mobile-friendly website with a clear structure and intuitive navigation can reduce bounce rates and encourage visitors to engage more with your content.
Social Media Engagement: While not a direct ranking factor, social signals can lead to more visibility, website authority, and opportunities to earn backlinks.
Local SEO analysis: For local businesses, ensuring your local SEO is optimized (e.g., through Google My Business) can improve visibility and attract local backlinks.
Regularly Update Your Website: Keeping your content fresh and updated encourages repeat visits and increases the likelihood of backlinking and growing domain rating (DR).
Technical SEO analysis: Ensure your website is technically sound by optimizing site speed, using SSL, creating a sitemap, and ensuring crawlability.
Patience and Persistence: Building DA is a long-term endeavor. Consistently applying best practices and using SEO tools and content strategy is key to gradual improvement.

These strategies are interlinked, contributing to a holistic SEO approach that can effectively raise your website's DA over time.

How to apply domain authority overview for SEO

To leverage DA (or website authority) in SEO, focus on enhancing your site's overall DA by acquiring high-quality backlinks from reputable sites — use DA checker to explore them, too. This can increase your site's trustworthiness and potential to rank higher in search results. Use DA and PA as a benchmark to compare your site against competitors, aiming to surpass their DA through strategic link-building and content creation. Also, when targeting sites for backlinks, prioritize those with a higher DA, as links from these sites carry more weight and can more significantly impact your site's DA and SEO performance.

Why Domain Authority matters for link-building

Domain Authority (DA) is a critical factor in link-building strategies. High DA websites are seen as more trustworthy and influential, making links from them more valuable for SEO. As you work to improve your own site's DA through acquiring high-quality backlinks, search engines view your site as more reputable, potentially improving your rankings. Essentially, focusing on both improving your DA and acquiring links from high-DA sites can create a positive feedback loop, enhancing your site's visibility and search engine performance. Prioritizing quality over quantity in link building, with an eye on DA through PA checker tools, is a key strategy for long-term SEO success.

What is a website authority checker?

Website authority checker is the same as DA checker, the online tool designed to check and overview Domain Authority. Besides, the website authority checker lets you get insights about the number of backlinks, referring domains, their penalty risk scores, C-blocks, etc.

PA checker, or page authority checker, is actually an analyzer with the same functionality but is mostly aimed at single page (URLs) overview instead of the whole domain. Still, you can easily use a DA analyzer as a page authority checker — just enter an exact URL you need to check.

Why choose SEO PowerSuite free Domain Authority Checker tool

The free Domain Authority checker tool by SEO PowerSuite is designed to help you quickly overview the SEO quality of any domain, be that your own site or a potential backlink partner. Our online Domain Authority checker is powered by SEO PowerSuite backlink index which holds all the up-to-date backlink stats. So you can be sure that our free SEO tool gives only relevant website authority score numbers, as well as the ratio of dofollow and nofollow backlinks and the number of C-blocks.