New SEO PowerSuite wins over the rest of SEO tools market leaders in a crushing speed comparison test

SEO PowerSuite wins over the rest of SEO tools in a crushing speed comparison test
4 tests covering key SEO jobs prove SEO PowerSuite an absolute SEO tools market leader in work speed, productivity and results accuracy (see WebCEO, IBP, Market Samurai and Advanced Web Ranking smashed down)
The major update we release today practically overturns the way SEO PowerSuite interacts with search engines. This lets your software:
- Pull search engines' data many times faster
- Show impressively fewer CAPTCHAs all through the way
To try the sped-up SEO PowerSuite, just restart your software for autoupdate or download the freshest version from the website.
And though this update is only the first step in our productivity-boosting plan for the summer, it already makes SEO PowerSuite the fastest SEO software on the market.
To let you see what it's all about with your own eyes, we've conducted a full-scale speed testing of SEO PowerSuite and 4 other popular desktop tools: WebCEO, IBP, Market Samurai and Advanced Web Rankings.
So, what's the fastest SEO software?
Here's just a brief summary table of the testing. Read on to see how the testing went on.
SEO PowerSuite | Market Samurai | IBP | WebCEO | AWR | |
Test 1 (Rank check — default settings) |
3 min 41 sec | 3 min 50 sec BLOCKED BY SEARCH ENGINES! |
92 minutes | 120 min 19 sec |
Test 1.1 (Rank check — minimal safety features) |
2 min 42 sec | 3 min 43 sec BLOCKED BY SEARCH ENGINES! |
10 minutes | 16 min 21 sec BLOCKED BY SEARCH ENGINES! |
Test 2 (Backlink research) |
2221 links | 1000 links | 230 links | 1493 links | 1925 links |
Test 3 (Site structure analysis) |
383 pages | No functionality | No functionality | 2517 pages INCORRECT RESULTS!* |
*WebCEO, AWR: Multiple dynamic URLs mistakenly treated as different pages.
Speed testing workflow
To get the most accurate results, we've carried out the testing on a just installed shining-new Windows 7 operation system. The tests were run on AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 5000+, 4 GB RAM.
Besides, to ensure equal entry conditions, we used a quick, fresh proxy for each of the tests run on each of the tools. As IBP uses Internet Explorer to access search engines, proxy settings for all IBP tests were entered through this browser.
So, check out what the comparison has shown.
Note: As not all the tested tools provide you with time stats and results count, we had to time their work with external time keeping tools and count the number of results manually. That is why proof screenshot were provided only where it's possible.
Test 1. Rank checking with default settings
The first test compares rank checking speed.
Using each SEO tool, we've checked website rankings for 50 keywords in 3 search engines. The safety settings (such as proxy rotation or delays between search engine queries) were left untouched — in their default state.

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Test 1.1. Rank checking with minimum safety features
In the second part of rank checking speed test, we're using each SEO tool to check website rankings for 50 keywords in 3 search engines once again. Yet this time the safety settings in each tool were minimized to increase the check speed.

Click to view detailed comparison results
Test 2. Backlink research: speed + number of found backlinks
In the third test, we've charged each tool with finding the maximum possible number of backlinks pointing to a website. The search safety settings were left unchanged.

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Test 3. Website structure analysis: speed + number of pages
The last test deals with checking website structure; this means that each SEO tool was to find all pages of a given website in the minimum possible time. Market Samurai and IBP SEO software have no such functionality at all, so the test was run for SEO PowerSuite's WebSite Auditor, WebCEO and Advanced Web Ranking. The search safety settings were left unchanged.

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To sum it up
So, as the testing proves, SEO PowerSuite:
- Checks rankings faster than any of the 4 other tested tools
- Proves the most resistable against search engine blocks
- Collects the biggest number of backlinks in the shortest time
- Provides the most accurate site structure analysis in the shortest time
Now, as you know, for the sake of fair testing all checks were run on special equal conditions. The test passed, but what does this SEO PowerSuite's speed update mean for you in real life, without testing restrictions?
It means that now, for instance, checking your site rankings for 50 keywords in 3 search engines (which is up to 1500 times to address the search engines) can take as little as 43 seconds. Believe it or not, but that is the truth:

Don't miss this chance to speed up your SEO up to 7 times. Try out the updated SEO PowerSuite yourself now.