25 SEO Limits You Shouldn't Ignore (But Everyone Else Does)

Don't underestimate the power of the basics. Even SEO experts sometimes miss these simple yet crucial SEO limits that can boost your website's ranking.

In this article, I will navigate you through 24 often overlooked yet critically significant SEO limits that can affect your website’s performance and visibility. From technical aspects like title length and meta descriptions to Google crawl limits and beyond, I'll cover them all. 

Before we get started, download the All SEO Limits cheat sheet for a quick reference whenever needed. 

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1. Meta Title character limit

Limit: 60-70 characters for desktop and 70-76 for mobile full visibility in search results.

Search engines typically display only the first 60-70 characters in desktop and 70-76 in mobile search results.

Meta titles that exceed the limit might be cut off in the SERP and appear incomplete. Such titles may lack clarity and fail to capture user attention. That leads to decreased click-through rates, which you don’t want.

Plus, in some cases, Google might rewrite excessively long titles, which could alter your intended message. If you want to have at least some feeling of control over your snippet, consider sticking to this limit.


Use Content Editor when editing your copy to check how your title will look like in the SERP. To do that, go to WebSite Auditor > Page Audit > Content Editor and enter your URL.

When everything is set up, click on your title to start editing it and immediately see how it will look in the SERP.

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2. Number of title and H1 tags per page

Limit: One title tag and one H1 heading per page.

According to Google, there are no limits to how many title and H1 tags you can add. However, since only one will be taken into account anyway, multiple tags can confuse search engines and dilute the focus of your content. 

Having only one title and one H1 will ensure that you send clear signals about your page's main topic. However, note that your title tag may differ from the H1 tag


In WebSite Auditor, you can check if there are multiple title and H1 tags.

Go to Site Structure > Pages and add the H1 Count and Multiple Title Tag columns to your workspace.

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3. Meta description length

Limit: under 160 characters for desktop and 120 for mobile for optimal user engagement.

The reason for such limitations is the same as for title tag length. Search engines commonly truncate meta descriptions beyond 160 characters in desktop search results and 120 characters in mobile. Your message may become fuzzy if it isn't fully visible. That's the reason for the low click-through rates. 

So, craft concise and descriptive meta descriptions that entice users to click. Of course, don't forget to use relevant keywords. However, note very often (70% of the time) Google rewrites meta descriptions to match search quiries with pages more accurately. 


Again, you can use Content Editor to see how your description will look on the SERP.


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4. Image file size

Limit: 200kb for faster loading speeds and a better user experience.

Large image file sizes can slow down page loading times. This, in turn, leads to higher bounce rates. Nobody loves to wait for so long till your page is fully loaded - they would go to your competitor instead. Plus, image size impacts Core Web Vitals and, consequently, your rankings. So, sticking to the 200KB rule is important.

Compress images without sacrificing quality with tools like JPEG Optimizer or TinyPNG to improve page speed performance. Also, read our comprehensive guide on image SEO to learn all the peculiarities of image optimization. 


You can check if there are issues with your image sizes in WebSite Auditor.

Just go to Site Structure > Site Audit and find the Page Speed section with the Properly size images factor.

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5. Sitemap size and number of URLs

Limit: 50MB max size (uncompressed), 50,000 URLs per sitemap.

Sitemaps act as roadmaps for search engines, helping them discover and index your website's content effectively. If you adhere to the abovementioned limits, search engines can efficiently process your sitemaps and index all relevant pages.

If your website contains more than 50,000 URLs, consider splitting your sitemap into multiple ones. In this case, create a sitemap index file that lists them all (you can submit up to 500 sitemap index files for each site in your Search Console account). This helps search engines discover and access all your sitemaps.

Remember to update your sitemaps whenever you add or remove important content from your website. 


You can compile an error-free sitemap file right in WebSite Auditor. To do that, go to Site Structure > Pages and click the Website Tools button in your workspace.

Choose the Sitemap option and start building up your sitemap.

Download WebSite Auditor Once done, choose your publish option and ta-dah. You’re all set. 

6. Disavow file size and number of URLs

Limit: 2MB and 100,000 URLs.

A disavow file lets you inform Google about backlinks you consider low-quality or spammy. Large disavow files might take longer for Google to process. Besides, if your file exceeds the URL limit, not all intended backlinks might be disavowed. All of this may potentially affect your SEO performance.

However, don’t abuse disavowing – submit your file to Google only when it’s really needed, for example, when Google Penalty gets you.


You can easily and quickly generate your disavow file with SEO SpyGlass. For that, go to the project's Preferences > Disavow/Blacklist backlinks and add your list of toxic backlinks there.

Alternatively, you can select the bad backlinks right in your Backlinks module workspace and right-click to choose the Disavow Backlinks option.

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7. Robots.txt file size

Limit: 500KB.

The robots.txt file instructs search engine crawlers on how to access and navigate your website. It acts as a set of rules for crawlers, specifying which pages they can access and which ones they should avoid. However, this file has a size limit to ensure search engines process it efficiently.

Search engines may simply ignore the entire robots.txt file if it's too large. Besides, the crawling process may be slowed down. What's more, if the file size exceeds the limit, parts of the instructions might be cut off. This may lead to misinterpretations, and search engines may block access to important content. 


To compile the robots.txt file correctly, use the built-in WebSite Auditor's Robots.txt tool.

Find it in Site Structure > Pages, then choose Website Tools > Robots.txt.

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8. Alt text size

Limit: 120 characters.

Alt text plays a crucial role in website accessibility and SEO. It provides a textual description of images for users who are visually impaired or rely on screen readers. It also helps search engines understand the context and content of your images.

Don't make your alt text too long – describe the image accurately and include relevant keywords. However, prioritize clarity and usefulness for those who can't read. 


Watch out for empty alt texts as they mean missed opportunities for ranking in Google Images and insufficient accessibility. 

In WebSite Auditor, you can check if there are empty alt texts on your site. To do that, find the Site Audit module and Images section with the Empty Alt Text factor. 

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9. Anchor text size

Limit: 6 - 8 words or 55-60 characters.

Anchor text is clickable text on a link, usually underlined and blue. Like most of the list's limits, there is no "official" anchor text limit. However, for user experience's sake, keeping your anchor text concise is essential. 

Concise anchor text enhances user experience and avoids clutter. It also helps search engines understand the context of linked pages. 


Use WebSite Auditor to check the anchor texts you use on your site.

Go to Site Structure > Pages, and at the bottom of your workspace, select the Links from the Page tab. 

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10. URL length

Limit: 2,000 characters.

While technically, URLs have no strict character limit, excessively long ones can pose several challenges.

First of all, long URLs can be difficult for users to read and understand. Such URLs may confuse users and search engines. Second, they are suspicious. Users may hesitate to click on overly long URLs, fearing they might lead to irrelevant or misleading content. 

So, keep URLs concise and descriptive, use relevant keywords, and avoid unnecessary characters or parameters.


You can spot URLs that are too long on your website with WebSite Auditor.

Go to Site Structure > Site Audit and find the URLs section.

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11. Redirect hops

Limit: ideally, below five hops from the original URL.

Redirects are essential for managing website changes, like moving content to a new URL or fixing broken links

However, you need to remember that each redirect adds an extra HTTP request, which can significantly increase page load times. Plus, with each redirect, some link value is lost. This means the destination page may get very little or no PageRank, and its performance may be worse than expected.

Besides, search engines may struggle to follow long redirect chains, which may cause indexing and crawling issues for your website.

Audit your website's redirect chains regularly to minimize unnecessary hops and improve user experience and search engine crawling efficiency.


In WebSite Auditor, you can check if there are long redirect chains.

To do so, go to Site Structure > Site Audit and find the Redirects section with the corresponding line.

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12. Page load time 

Limit: 3 seconds for desktop and 2 seconds for mobile. 

Page load time is the time it takes for a web page to load and become fully interactive for users. It's a crucial factor that significantly impacts both UX and SEO.

Users expect websites to load quickly. Slow loading times cause frustration, impatience, and, ultimately, bounces. Plus, pages that load quickly are believed to get a boost in Google search rankings.


Optimize images, minimize server response times, leverage browser caching, and use content delivery networks (CDNs) to improve page load speed.

13. Core Web Vitals 

Limit: LCP < 2.5 seconds, FID < 100 milliseconds, CLS ≤ 0.1, INP < 200 milliseconds.

Core Web Vitals (CWV) are a set of metrics introduced by Google that measure key aspects of user experience on web pages. These metrics focus on loading performance, interactivity, and visual stability. Here's a breakdown of these metrics:

  • Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) measures the time it takes for the largest content element on the page to load. Aim for under 2.5 seconds for a good user experience.
  • First Input Delay (FID) is the time it takes for the page to become interactive, responding to user input like clicks or taps. FID should be below 100 milliseconds for a smooth and responsive experience.
    Note: FID is being replaced by Interaction to Next Paint (INP) this month, with a recommended limit of under 200 milliseconds.
  • Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) measures the amount of unexpected layout shifts that occur during page loading, which can be disruptive to users. CLS score should be 0.1 or lower for a visually stable experience.

Optimizing CWV is crucial for a more enjoyable and frustration-free experience for users. This, in turn, can lead to increased engagement, conversions, and overall website success.


With WebSite Auditor, you can check which pages fail the Core Web Vitals assessment.

To do that, go to Site Structure > Site Audit and find the Page Speed section.

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14. Page size

Limit: under 3MB in size to ensure fast loading times across devices and various network conditions.

Page size is the total amount of data a web page needs to download and render in a user's browser. Large files take longer to download, especially on slower internet connections or mobile devices. Obviously, a heavy page can lead to user frustration and increased bounce rates.

So, compress images, minify CSS and JavaScript, and optimize multimedia content to reduce page size and improve your page performance.


You can check page sizes in WebSite Auditor's Pages module.

Just add the Page size column to your workspace.

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15. Click depth

Limit: 3-4 from the homepage.

Click depth is the number of clicks it takes a user to reach a specific page from the homepage. While there's no strict limit, it's recommended to strive for a lower click depth. Why?

Well, users expect to find the information they need quickly and easily. Excessive clicks can lead to frustration. People tend to interact more with content that is easy to find and doesn't require too much effort to navigate. Moreover, a large click depth will eat up your crawl budget, which can ultimately lead to indexing problems.

Three is considered the maximum acceptable click depth, as it allows users to reach most pages within a few intuitive clicks from the homepage.

So, keep your most important pages as close to the homepage as possible.


You can check the click depth in the WebSite Auditor's Pages module. Just add the needed column to your workspace.

Alternatively, you can visualize your site by click depth to find pages too far away from the homepage.

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16. Keyword density

Limit: 1-3% without keyword stuffing.

Keyword density is the percentage of times a specific keyword appears in your copy in relation to the total number of words. If it's too high, it's called keyword stuffing and can harm your website's ranking and user experience. Search engines may even penalize websites that engage in such practices.

Strive for a keyword density between 1-3% for optimal balance. However, your primary focus should always be on creating valuable and engaging content for users. Use keywords naturally only where they're relevant and appropriate.

To calculate your keyword density, use the formula: (# of keywords / total word count) * 100

For example, if your target keyword appears 10 times and the total word count of your page is 500 words, your keyword density = (10 / 500) * 100 = 2%.


Don't just focus on one single keyword. Explore related keywords and long-tail phrases that users might search for. And, of course, maintain a natural reading flow. Don't sacrifice readability for keyword placement – your readers will be thankful.

You can check if your pages stuffed with keywords in WebSite Auditor. To do that, go to Page Audit > Content Audit, enter your page URL, and then proccees to the Body section. Here, you will find the info on the number of keywords in your copy and if keyword stuffing takes place. 

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17. Content length 

Limit: >300 words.

There is such a term in SEO as thin content, which means a page offers visitors little or no added value. This is about pages that have little to no content on them. Besides, thin content is still believed to cause Google penalties. 

That's why the more quality content you offer – the bigger value you provide. While longer content may provide more opportunities for keyword inclusion and depth of coverage, quality, and relevance should be paramount for you.


To come up with the ideal word count, run a SERP analysis before you start writing any copy. Check what word count your top competitors stick to.

Or, what's even more convenient, use Content Editor. It will automatically generate recommendations on word count based on your SERP competitors.

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18. Internal linking

Limit: 100-150 internal links per page.

While Google previously mentioned that too many internal links can do more harm than good, it's important to understand that this 100-150 links rule is not strict. Always focus on creating a well-structured and user-friendly internal linking strategy, don’t just adhere to a certain number.

Consider the user's perspective when creating internal links. Ensure they are placed logically and contribute to a smooth navigation experience. And remember: internal linking distributes PageRank. So, the more you link, the more equity you share.


Check if there are pages with too many internal links in WebSite Auditor.

Go to Site Structure > Site Audit > Links.

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19. Crawl limit per page

Limit: 15MB.

A page of over 15MB is a rare thing. Most likely, your pages are much smaller (remember we discussed the page size limit previously?). 

While exceeding a hypothetical "crawl limit" per page might not directly prevent indexing, it can negatively impact your website's crawl efficiency and overall SEO. If a web page exceeds this limit, Googlebot will only process the first 15MB of the page.


  • Minify and optimize your website's code (HTML, CSS, JavaScript).

  • Compress images to reduce file size without sacrificing quality. Consider using next-generation image formats like WebP or AVIF.

  • Limit the use of external scripts, fonts, and other resources that can contribute to page size and potentially slow down crawling.

  • Avoid excessive use of irrelevant elements that bloat page size.

20. Crawl budget

Limit: a few thousand pages per day for larger sites.

Search engine crawlers allocate a limited budget for crawling for each website, focusing on pages with higher importance and freshness. That’s why you should always focus on creating a well-structured, efficient, and user-friendly website.


Use robots.txt directives, XML sitemaps, and internal linking to guide search engine crawlers to prioritize the crawling of critical pages.

21. Google Search Console limits

Limit: 1,000 properties, 1,000 rows, up to 500 sitemap index files, 10,000 pixels of rendering.

Google Search Console (GSC) offers valuable tools for website owners and SEO professionals. However, it's essential to be aware of certain limitations in place:

  • You can add and manage up to 1,000 websites within your GSC account. This limit allows you to track the performance of a diverse range of properties.
  • When generating reports in GSC, the displayed data might be limited to 1,000 rows. This limitation helps manage data presentation and prevent overwhelming dashboards. To access data beyond the initial 1,000 rows, you can utilize filters and segmentation or download the data in full for further analysis.
  • You can submit up to 500 sitemap index files to GSC to help search engines discover and index your website content effectively. This limit caters to most website structures.
  • When GSC renders your website for analysis, there's a limit of 10,000 pixels in height or width. This helps ensure efficient processing and avoids potential issues with exceptionally large pages.


Prioritize essential data – focus on the most critical metrics and reports relevant to your SEO goals. And if you manage a large number of websites, consider creating separate GSC accounts or utilizing team features to share access efficiently. 

Besides, if your website requires more than 500 sitemap index files, consider consolidating or restructuring them for better manageability.

22. Google Business Profile limits

Limit: 100 characters in a business name and many more.

Google Business Profile is a free tool that allows businesses to manage their online presence across Google Search and Maps. And, of course, it has some technical limits:

  • Business name: 100 charachters.
  • Description: 750 characters (including spaces).
  • Category selection: Up to 10 primary categories and 10 subcategories.
  • Photos: Up to 10 primary photos and 250 total photos per listing.
  • Posts: 1,500 characters per post.
  • Questions & Answers: 400 characters per answer.
  • Review text: 500 characters.
  • Response to reviews: 1,000 characters.
  • Edits: 10 edits per minute per profile.


While some fields have character limits, prioritize providing accurate and concise information.

Don’t forget about adding relevant keywords to your business name, description, and category selection to improve discoverability in search results.

23. Google Analytics limits

Limit: 10 million hits per month per property and many more.

While Google Analytics is a powerful platform for website analytics, there are certain limitations that ensure efficient data processing and system functionality. 

One such limit is the 10 million hits per month per property. If your website surpasses the 10 million hit limit, data processing might slow down or even be temporarily suspended. In this case, you may experience difficulty accessing certain reports or see some inconsistencies in data visualization.

Other GA limits are:

  • Custom dimensions: Up to 250 user-scoped and 50 event-scoped custom dimensions per property.
  • Custom metrics: Up to 200 event-scoped custom metrics per property.
  • Audiences: Up to 100 audiences per property.
  • Conversions: Up to 30 registered conversion events per property.
  • Data retention: Up to 14 months by default, with options for paid extensions.


Focus on collecting and analyzing data that directly contributes to your marketing goals and strategic decisions. Segment your data to analyze specific website sections, reducing the overall data volume processed for each report.

If needed, leverage data sampling for high-traffic periods to gain insights without exceeding processing limitations.

24. Google Keyword Planner limits

Limit: 700 keywords per search.

Google Keyword Planner is a free tool offered by Google Ads that helps users discover relevant keywords for their content strategy or advertising campaigns. 

The 700 keyword limit applies to the number of keywords you can add to a single Keyword Ideas search. It also applies to the number of keywords you can download when using the "Get search volume and forecasts" feature.


  • Focus on researching and analyzing the most relevant keywords for your specific campaign goals and target audience, even within the 700 limit.
  • Use relevant seed keywords and filters to narrow down your search results and identify the most valuable keywords within the limit.
  • Break down your research into smaller, targeted searches with different keywords and filters to explore a wider range of potential options.
  • Use Keyword Planner alongside other keyword research tools like Rank Tracker to gather additional data and insights beyond the 700 limit.


    Download Rank Tracker

25. Google Review character limit

Limit: Google reviews have a maximum character limit of 4,096. Remember that this total includes letters, numbers, spaces, and symbols.

Google reviews are an important tool for businesses to showcase customer feedback and build credibility. Whether you're a local shop or an online service, customer reviews are crucial in influencing potential buyers' decisions. Google reviews allow users to share their experiences with a business, providing insights that others can read before making a purchase or using a service.

When writing a Google review, there’s a character limit of 4,096, giving users plenty of space to share detailed feedback. This limit includes letters, numbers, symbols, and even spaces, so it's important to be mindful of how you structure your review to maximize the available space. Whether you’re leaving a brief comment or a more in-depth review, understanding this limit helps ensure you can include all the essential details.

Google encourages users to be authentic and constructive in their reviews, as helpful reviews are key to a business’s online reputation. While there's a lot of room to elaborate, keeping your review concise and relevant is best to focus on specific experiences and insights that will benefit future customers.


Phew, we've covered a lot of ground, haven't we? While these limits may seem like small details, they can have a big impact on your website's success. So, pay attention to the details, stay up to date with the latest best practices in SEO, and watch your site climb the ranks in search engine results.

And I want to remind you to download the All SEO Limits PDF file. Share it with friends and colleagues. Let’s do beautiful SEO together.

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