Peeyush Dubey

Peeyush Dubey

Peeyush Dubey is a Digital Marketing Specialist with over 10 years' experience. Although Peeyush studied Engineering in the Biomedical niche, he found the world of search marketing so interesting that he decided to make a big career change. By now, he's worked for some of the top SEO companies, managing projects for both small businesses and large corporations. Presently he's working on several medical and health niche SEO campaigns with Pixl Graphx Inc., a digital agency based in New Jersey, USA.

How to Outrank Amazon
In this case study, you will learn how Peeyush Dubey and his SEO team worked on a completely new website in the competitive Health niche and achieved impressive search visibility within only 10 months.
Peeyush Dubey
Apr 02, 2019