Andrei Prakharevich

Andrei Prakharevich

Andrei has 5+ years experience in Web Marketing and Content Creation, working on text copies, marketing materials, and supervising the editorial team at SEO PowerSuite. He approaches every writing assignment with a childlike sense of wonder and especially enjoys investigating SEO concepts that are a little out there. When Andrei is not writing, he spends his time treating his corgi puppy like the princess that she is.

Beginners Guide 2024
Fast website, great content, yet struggling to rank? Well, the only thing left to improve is off-page SEO, so here are some of the best tactics to choose from.
Andrei Prakharevich
Aug 18, 2020
8 Crucial SEO Takeaways
Quality Rater Guidelines are a goldmine of search optimization ideas. Use the ones in this list to stay ahead of upcoming search algorithm updates.
Andrei Prakharevich
Jul 14, 2020
For Top Google Rankings
SEO writing guide offers a collection of techniques for creating content that walks the line between search optimization and user-friendliness.
Andrei Prakharevich
Jun 30, 2020
As we've launched our Backlink API, here is a quick reminder of what APIs are, how to use them, and why would you even want to. Happy research!
Andrei Prakharevich
Jun 09, 2020
The Complete User Guide
A step-by-step guide on using the new Content Editor to create killer SEO content.
Andrei Prakharevich
Apr 14, 2020